June 6, 2024 - November 11, 2024


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Every picture has a story to tell.

Pixels to Paint – Creating a Canvas of Courage

Do you have a photograph of a relative who served in the British Army in the Second World War? Pixels to Paint is a commemorative competition that links to the major Second World War anniversaries in 2024, including the 80th anniversaries of the Normandy Landings (Operation OVERLORD) and Arnhem (Operation MARKET GARDEN). Whilst this competition is timed to coincide with these major anniversaries, there is no restriction on what campaign your ancestor fought in to be eligible to enter.

Gunner AR Barnbrook Pixels to PaintBy submitting a scanned photograph and brief story of your ancestor, you will help us to create a photographic memorial in tribute to those soldiers who served, some making the ultimate sacrifice. At the end of the project, a team of judges will pick one photograph and story that will be transformed into a bespoke picture by Leeds-based veteran artist, Lee Buccilli, for the family to keep.

To begin your Pixels to Paint journey with us, please click on the link at the bottom of the page. This will take you to the registration page on the Enthuse platform. When you reach the page, all you need to do is complete a short form with your personal details, and then email your photograph and story to [email protected]. The competition will open on 6th June 2024 and close on 11th November 2024, and the winning entry will be notified by email within 28 days of the closing date. Where appropriate, photographic entries will be exhibited on a carousel on this page. The competition costs £5.00 to enter.

All of the photographs and stories submitted are hugely important and we recognised that they will carry an immeasurable significance for the families and relatives. Whilst we are only able to choose one entry to be transformed onto canvas, this does not that imply that any of the stories and photographs are more important, or valued, than any other.

Lee Buccilli – Veteran Artist

Lee BuccilliLee Buccilli, veteran artist. is an accomplished Leeds-based artist and former soldier in the Royal Corps of Signals. Having studied Fine Art at Leeds Metropolitan University after leaving the Army, Lee spent 21 years teaching, before becoming a self-employed commercial artist. He is probably best known for his sporting artwork, particularly on the subject of football. He also specialises in military subjects, many of which he donates to the Army Benevolent Fund as auction prizes. Lee mainly uses the mediums of oil-on-canvas, acrylics, and artists’ chalk. A few examples of Lee’s fantastic work can be found at the bottom of the page. Pixels to Paint is based on Lee’s original concept, and his desire to immortalise those who have given so much in the service of our Country.

What Next?

After taking part in this competition, having seen some of the great work that the Army Benevolent Fund does to support soldiers, veterans, and their families in times of genuine need, we do hope that you may consider continuing to support us in whatever way is most appropriate for you. We run all types of events, from challenges such as the Great North Run, to bespoke dining and networking events, such as the Yorkshire Big Curry Lunch. We also support many fantastic fundraisers across the country in their own activities. Of course, there is no obligation through entering the competition to continue a journey with us (see more about our Privacy Policy below), but we do hope that you will help us to support soldiers, for life. Please check our our local webpage here, where you can meet the team!

Your Privacy Matters

Of course, we will need to communicate with you about this competition, after that it is up to you. When you upload your photographs, you can choose how (or if) we communicate with you in the future. We value your privacy; our full privacy statement can be found here.

Some Examples of Lee’s Work



Enter Now!

To enter the competition, please click on the link below. This will take you to the Enthuse registration platform.
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