On February 4th, we had the pleasure of welcoming supporters of our charity to the Cavalry and Guards Club for the latest in our popular series of Influencers Network events. This event’s theme was Securing the Home Front – lessons from the Army’s Standing Joint Command and Home Command on planning, leadership and collaboration in times of crisis.

We welcomed a distinguished panel of speakers, including Colonels Tom Robinson, Al Jarvis, Darren Fisher, Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Haigh and WO1 Damian Thomas, all of whom shared their wealth of experience in the planning and delivery of the Army’s role in managing and responding to challenges and threats within the United Kingdom. Guests heard about the crucial role of the Army in everything from preparing flood defences and defusing explosive ordnance, to responding to Covid-19 and delivering high-profile national ceremonial events. Vital lessons were shared about how the Army is responding to an ever-changing and increasingly challenging world.

Major General Tim Hyams, the ABF’s Chief Executive, said:

“The Army makes a hugely significant contribution to homeland security, resilience, and state ceremonial and public duties. This evening’s conversation brought to life the scope, scale, complexity and impact of that contribution, set in context of current and emerging threats and challenges. It also allowed the panel and audience to explore areas for greater collaboration between business, the Army, and the ABF – its national charity.”

About the Influencers Network

The Army Benevolent Fund’s Influencers Network brings together the Army and senior and emerging business leaders to celebrate outstanding leadership. Guests connect with peers, share leadership skills, and learn more about how their organisations can positively impact the lives of soldiers, veterans, and their families.

For more information about our Influencers Network or to discuss how your organisation can support our work, please email [email protected].

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