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The Taxi Charity For Military Veterans, formally known as The London Taxi Benevolent Association For War Disabled (LTBAFWD), was founded on the 17th February 1948 in London.

The Taxi Charity are a group of London taxi drivers who volunteer their services to take veterans on a range of trips. They span from day trips around Britain to historical spots throughout Europe such as: Normandy, Dunkirk, and Wageningen, Netherlands.

In May this year, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity provided a grant of £12,000 towards the Taxi Charity’s ‘Back to the Beaches’ trip in Normandy on 4th June. This enabled 98 World War Two veterans, the oldest being 99 years old, to go on a four-day trip to Normandy to join the French in their D-Day celebrations.

In total, eighty-seven licensed London taxi drivers volunteered to act as chauffeurs to escort the veterans. One driver travelled all the way from the Isle of Bute to make this final trip for the Charity before handing in his badge.

The veterans attended several ceremonies which allowed them to pay their respects to their fallen friends and comrades. On the trip, seven of the veterans were awarded Legion D’Honneurs at Pegasus Memorial and Caen Town Hall.

Former Captain Ron Johnson, aged 97-years-old, praises the work of The Taxi Charity: “I would like to express my appreciation for three wonderful visits made with the Taxi Charity for Military Veterans. The care and attention by the taxi drivers and committee members was superb at all times. The Taxi Charity for Military Veterans helps us to remember our friends who did not live to enjoy the lives we have led.”

Brigadier (Ret’d) Robin Bacon, Chief of Staff at ABF The Soldiers’ Charity commented: “We are proud to support The Taxi Charity with their ‘Back to the Beaches’ trip. It is an exceptional experience for our veterans to be able to go back and visit where they once fought for our country. Keep up the good work!”

Find out more about the amazing work The Taxi Charity For Military Veterans does here.