On Tuesday 13 December, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity hosted the annual Army Carol Service in the Royal Hospital Chelsea’s (RHC) magnificent Sir Christopher Wren chapel.

This was the first face-to-face service for three years because it was cancelled during the pandemic. So our charity was greatly honoured to host it again on behalf of the Army.
Guests enjoyed a traditional advent service of carols led by the RHC’s renowned chapel choir, one of the finest in the UK, accompanied by Household Division trumpeters. The Reverend Steven Brookes, Chaplain to the RHC, and The Reverend Michael Parker, the Army’s Chaplain General, led the prayers and the lessons, which also featured serving soldiers from various regiments, including the Army Sergeant Major, WO1 Paul Carney.

General Sir Patrick Sanders, British Army Chief of the General Staff, also took part in the service and, at a reception afterwards, paid tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth for her exemplary duty and devotion to the British Army and its families. Sir Patrick also expressed his personal thanks to our charity for protecting serving soldiers, veterans and their families in times of hardship.
We would like to thank the Royal Hospital Chelsea for again providing a wonderful venue and hosting such a highly enjoyable evening for our Army colleagues and supporters.